Cooperative Education Services

Established in 1979, CES is a purchasing cooperative united by a joint powers agreement to provide high quality contracts to agencies in New Mexico. CES does all of the solicitation, evaluation, and contract awarding for New Mexico schools, universities, counties, cities, and eligible non-profit institutions.
Contract Number: 019.5 B
Maturity Date: February 2023
Contract Details >>
Participation is free for qualifying education, government, and nonprofit organizations.
Cooperative Education Services
Established in 1979, CES is a purchasing cooperative united by a joint powers agreement to provide high quality contracts to agencies in New Mexico. CES does all of the solicitation, evaluation, and contract awarding for New Mexico schools, universities, counties, cities, and eligible non-profit institutions.
Watch to learn more
How to get started
Participation is free for qualifying education, government, and nonprofit organizations.