Affordable Site-Built Restroom

Urban Park in Avalon, California

jweddellUrban Park Leave a Comment

The Romtec restroom at an urban park in Avalon, California was designed to suit its tropical themed environment with its dark brown roof and simple layout. The trees and bushes surrounding the restroom sometimes shed leaves on and around the building but cause no harm because of its strong metal roof and concrete walls. This building has two single-user unisex ...
Single User Park Bathroom With Warming Room

St. Anthony Village, Minnesota

jweddellSport Leave a Comment

St. Anthony Village in Minnesota is in the Twin City metropolitan area. Across the Mississippi River from Downtown Minneapolis. St. Anthony boasts several parks and a golf course in just 2.4 square miles. Located in both Hennepin and Ramsey counties, St. Anthony has a population of around 9,250. St. Anthony is about 4 miles northeast of downtown Minneapolis, Interstate 35 ...
Attractive Multi User Restroom Building

Dam Site Overlook at Beaver Lake, AR

jweddellRural Park Leave a Comment

Eureka Springs is a city in Arkansas that is near the Missouri border line. Located in the Ozark Mountains, Eureka Springs is located on U.S. Route 62. Some of the historic Victorian buildings in Eureka Springs include the Basin Park Hotel, the Crescent Hotel, and Palace Bath House that were built around the natural springs in the area. The Turpentine ...
Log Post Restroom with Covered Entry

Beachfront Restroom at Alpine Park in Lucerne, CA

jweddellRural Park Leave a Comment

Lucerne is a small community in California that is a census designated town in Lake County. Lucerne sits on northeast edge of Clear Lake. The elevation of Lucerne is 1,329 feet with a population of about 3,000. State Route 20 goes through Lucerne and connects it to Sacramento which is about 110 miles southeast. San Francisco is about 130 miles ...