
Natural Kiosk with Metal Roofing

Romtec’s offers standard and custom kiosks for a wide range of applications. From typical parks and recreation applications such as trailhead kiosks in wood, to industrial applications for steel kiosks in various sizes and configurations. Kiosks are designed to provide information and services in various settings to better serve the user.

Trailhead kiosks and park signage are particularly popular and considered an essential for any recreation site. These informative structures are typically placed at the beginning or a hiking, biking, or walking trail to indicate the rules, provide a map, and/or provide details on the native flora and fauna that the visitor may be interacting with. Trailhead kiosks are emphasized as important safety features for natural areas because they will help orientate and educate the visitors, preventing people from getting lost or hurting themselves. Overall, trailhead kiosks are a great way to enhance the recreation site and make it a better experience for the public.

Steel shelters are typically placed in industrial applications with the intention of protecting and holding equipment for important systems such as pump stations and alarms. These durable, and weather resistant structures are intended to last a long time under extreme conditions. Making a steel kiosk a more sustainable and long-term investment. Not only do the shelters have the practical use of covering the equipment but they are also great for improving the conditions for technicians and protecting workers from disagreeable weather. Steel kiosks are durable and vandal-resistant options for harsh climates or areas with heavy foot traffic.

As are the fundamentals of Romtec’s business, kiosks can be customized to better reflect their site, scenario, and use. Romtec’s offers models to start your project with, but customers are in no way restricted to that initial design. Many Romtec customers choose to customize their kiosks to better reflect their site and better serve their needs. Some options include switching dimensional lumber posts to log posts, switching the shingle roofing to metal roofing, and doing a combination of steel and wood elements for a more modern look. In that same vein, customers have chosen to forego the traditional gable roof design and instead use a single-slope design for their kiosk project. A single-slope kiosk with a mixed wood and metal design, is becoming increasingly popular and is a great way to elevate any outdoor space.

Each Romtec kiosk comes with a complete plan set, stamped by an engineer in that state, for review and approval by the building department. After approval, the kiosk is either manufactured in the Romtec woodshop or metal shop depending on the material type selected. The structure is also prefabricated to ensure the quality of the product and ensure a seamless construction on site. Typically, the kiosk is shipped on a truck in two pieces. Once the kiosk reaches the site, it is installed a concrete slab.

Wood Kiosks

Crow Pass 2 post kiosk

Wood kiosks are a fundamental piece of any outdoor recreation setting. These structures can be used to help visitors navigate the site, to share knowledge of the cultural and natural surroundings, or to conduct basic transactions. Romtec kiosks typically come in doug fir dimensional lumber but can be customized to include log, cedar or other features. Roofing for the kiosks can come in metal or shingle and can include roofing, light fixtures, and specialized materials. With Romtec, the options for customization are nearly endless as our engineers approach each project based on the customer’s desired features and the project location.

Steel Kiosks

Steel Post Kiosk with Wooden Backboard

Steel shelters are typically found in to urban settings and engineering projects for protecting controls systems and equipment. These structures also come in a variety of sizes, a two-post shelter, four-post shelter, or six-post shelter. Each kiosk is designed and prefabricated with mild steel but can be upgraded to stainless steel or galvanized steel. Typically, steel kiosks come with metal roofing in a gable design, but these options can be customized according to the customer’s needs. The steel material used for these kiosks make them a long lasting, and sturdy structure meant to withstand all types of distress or mistreatment.

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