Covered Exterior Sink on Double Sidewalk Restroom

Laos Transit Center – Tucson, AZ

jweddellThemes Leave a Comment

Romtec designed, supplied, and installed a Double Sidewalk Restroom for the Laos Transit Center in Tucson, Arizona. The Laos Transit Center was the first bus depot established by Sun Tran in Tucson and is named after Roy Laos Sr. who founded the Old Pueblo Transit Company. In 2016, Sun Tran recorded over 15 million passenger trips for the year. Serving ...
White Stone Wainscot

Melvin Berlin Park – Glencoe, IL

jweddellUrban Park Leave a Comment

Romtec designed and supplied a single user restroom for the Melvin Berlin Park in Glencoe, Illinois. The Park had its grand opening after renovations on April 28th 2017. Romtec worked with Hitchcock Design Group, the landscape architects for this project, on the design of the restroom. The ball Park’s new design includes new bleachers, dugouts, scoreboards, an irrigation system, and ...
Brown Waterless Restroom in Campground

Showers Point Campground – Coronado National Forest, AZ

jweddellCampground, Rural Park Leave a Comment

Romtec designed and supplied this four room Waterless Restroom for the Showers Point Campground in Arizona. The Campground sits in the Coronado National Forest just northeast of Tucson, Arizona in the Santa Catalina Mountains around 7,700 feet. Showers Point is open each year from April through October. There are three separate group campsites, one of which is ADA accessible and ...
Multi-User Restroom with Stone Exterior

Log Cabin Village – Fort Worth, TX

jweddellFeatured Projects, Themes Leave a Comment

Romtec had the pleasure of designing and supplying a multi-user restroom for the Log Cabin Village. According to its website, “the Log Cabin Village is a living history museum owned and operated by the City of Fort Worth.” The Log Cabin Village was started in the 1950s to preserve the history and culture of log cabins in Texas. To move ...
Renovated Community Pool Now Open

Ambrose Aquatic Center – Pittsburg, CA

jweddellUrban Park Leave a Comment

Romtec recently designed, supplied, and installed a Shower and Restroom building for the Ambrose Recreation & Park District. This project was complete to re-open the Ambrose Pool, which was a nearly 60-years-old treasured community pool when it closed in 2009. Budget issues postponed the opening of this park, but community members and the Ambrose Recreation & Park District fought hard ...