Crystal Cove State Park in Southern California is a beautiful destination that offers numerous outdoor recreation opportunities to visitors. Romtec provided a modern timber pavilion for the parking lot & shuttle for the Crystal Cove Conservancy. This is a separate institution from the state park that provides funding used for the conservation of the Crystal Cove State Park. One of the methods revenue is generated is through rentals of historic cottages along the coastline. With deep historic roots in the area, these cottages reflect the architectural styles of the 1930’s through the 1950’s, when they were originally constructed. Crystal Cove Conservancy is dedicated to educating students and conservationists on preservation and how climate change is already affecting this Southern California Coastline. The close proximity of the State Park offers camping opportunities along the beach as well as further inland. Romtec always appreciates being a part of larger projects that will benefit visitors for years to come.