Romtec had the pleasure of designing and supplying a multi-user restroom for the Log Cabin Village. According to its website, “the Log Cabin Village is a living history museum owned and operated by the City of Fort Worth.” The Log Cabin Village was started in the 1950s to preserve the history and culture of log cabins in Texas. To move the cabins from their original locations, each cabin was dismantled, relocated, and restored onsite, except for the Marine School and the Tomkins Cabin which were moved entirely. The museum has 11 historical attractions and offers guided tours twice a day Tuesday-Friday, while regularly holding fun and interesting events. The restroom was designed to complement the Museum’s historic attractions but was constructed with modern materials. This restroom features a red, corrugated metal roofing and a great looking stone wainscot to complement the historical structures. The Log Cabin Village is a great destination for enjoying pioneer era buildings and technology!