Dover, Tennessee is a city in the northwest corner of the state near the Kentucky border line. Dover is the county seat of Stewart County and sits about 70 miles northwest of Nashville.
The Cumberland River runs past Dover where it eventually makes it way to Nashville, the capital of Tennessee. The Fort Donelson National Cemetery is in Dover and sits close to the Cumberland River where Civil War veterans and veterans who have served since, are laid to rest. This was the site of Fort Donelson where the Union Army took over in 1862.
Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge is a large refuge spanning 8,862 acres for migratory birds.
Near the Cumberland River is Lake Barkley and the Dyers Creek Recreation Area.
The Dyers Creek recreation area is a US Army Corp of Engineers managed campground, park, and boat launch. There is a playground, volleyball court, two pavilions for picnics, horseshoe rings, boat launch, open fields, and restrooms.
Romtec designed the public restroom building with custom siding and stone wainscoting at Dyers Creek Recreational Area. The restroom has a metal roof and kick resistant vents.
Inside, the men’s and women’s facilities were designed with tile floors for easy maintenance and improved appearance. This recreation site is just a few hundred feet from the Cumberland River and is right off US Route 79 from Texas to Kentucky, known locally as the “Dover Road.”
This restroom and Dyers Creek Recreational Area serve the local Dover, Tennessee community providing various recreational activities.
Romtec designs, supplies, and builds restroom buildings for campgrounds, parks, and trails all over the country. Our design team focuses on the needs and wants of the owner and works to create a unique restroom building that serves the needs of the park. We can match a certain aesthetic or match other building designs. Contact us today, to get started on your restroom building project.