Custom Single Pitch Restroom

Project Update: Richmar Park in San Marcos, CA

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Custom Single Pitch Restroom

Romtec works across the country to design, supply, and construct public use buildings for parks and recreation applications. Many of these applications require special features that exemplify a particular community, historical quality, or theme. San Marcos, California has committed to improving its parks throughout the city, and Romtec has participated on several projects that each require specialized design considerations. The most recent project was for the new Richmar Park that will be officially opened on February 17, 2017.

Richmar Park is located in what was previous a vacant lot owned by the City on Richmar Avenue. The Richmar neighborhood is historic to the City of San Marcos and is an up-and-coming area for revitalization and development. This park is part of a larger effort by the City to provide more parks, including opening Connor’s Park in 2014 and reopening Buelow Park in 2011. Through these project, San Marcos has demonstrated a tremendous commitment to its parks by providing great facilities that will serve its communities for years to come.

Great Looking Restroom with Covered Entry

The Richmar Park restroom building is a modified Romtec standard model. This building includes men’s and women’s multiuser restrooms, a large storage room, an electrical room, and a communications room for a City owned telecomm system. The building also included a custom color block layout to give the building a stylish look without adding a lot of cost to the project. A single pitch roof combines with the block layout to enhance the stylish look of the structure. This building design gave the City an affordable building the looks great without adding superfluous or extravagant costs. This is truly a responsible use of public funds to provide great facilities without overspending.

The interior of the building includes reliable and modern stainless steel fixtures that add to the modern style of the building. Stainless steel fixtures are also robust and damage resistant, suitable for frequently used locations. The restroom stall partitions were supplied with a custom “sand speckle” color that fit in nicely with the multicolored CMU block walls. The building lighting comprised modern LED units, light sensors, and motion sensors so that interior and exterior lights only operate when required. The building fixtures and accessories add to the modern appearance of the building that was created in the initial structural design.

Patterned CMU Blocks on Community Park Restroom

In the end from foundation to roofing, the City of San Marcos and Romtec worked together to create a stunning modern restroom building perfect for the new Richmar Park. In recent years, the City has earned the nickname “San Parkos” because of its commitment to improving and creating city parks for its residents. Richmar Park is the latest success story from the area. Romtec is proud of the work being completed in San Marcos and of the great buildings that City now owns.

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