Romtec designs, manufactures, and supplies many types of buildings and structures, including turnkey buildings with construction services included. Romtec has expanded our construction services to include many other services that are typically required onsite. Getting a turnkey building or structure from Romtec with our expanded construction services really is the best way to get your entire project completed through a single company.

Demolition of Existing Buildings
Demolition is a frequent requirement for a new building. Romtec frequently designs and supplies building replacements for outdated facilities, and demolition work is often the first job onsite. With a turnkey building, Romtec can provide the complete demolition of buildings and other features prior to the construction of your building. Romtec can also retain some existing features and incorporate those features into the new building. Utilizing Romtec early in the process not only will save time, but it will save money by using a single entity for your site work.

Site Preparation
After demolition, site preparation is another aspect of a building construction project. This includes ground work like grading, setting a gravel base, digging holes (for vault or pit toilets), and installing drainage. Site preparation also include utility work like bringing plumbing and electrical conduit to the building site as well as making all of the final connections. For splash pad projects, irrigation, and lighting controls, Romtec has located and connected the electrical control panels into restroom mechanical rooms. Romtec can also include the site preparation for these features that may extend beyond the footprint of your building.

Additional Onsite Features
Finally, Romtec can construct additional onsite features around your new building or structure. These features include things like retaining walls, sidewalks, planters, and more. For the best results, Romtec recommends utilizing our engineers to design these features, but our installation experts can also work off of other plans. Constructing these features can be a great way to save your contractor time or to avoid hiring additional subcontractors. Working with Romtec to get additional features installed like sidewalks can save your whole project time and money by requiring fewer contractors to complete your project.

Expanding the Romtec construction services to include demolition, site-preparation, and additional features is something that happened as a way to help our customers. Our installation crews were frequently asked to help in unique ways on various projects. Our work is typically related strictly to the building, but time and time again small amounts of additional construction was something that could really help our customers save time and money. That is why we now want to offer these services to all our customers throughout their project. Contact Romtec today to learn about our additional construction services and how they can help you and your project.