Romtec supplies parks and recreation buildings and industrial control buildings nationwide in a wide range of environments, and we work with a wide variety of customers. Some projects are smaller, and some are larger with the need for multiple structures, either identical or each a different building type such as shower, concessions, community center, etc. Romtec is the perfect fit for multi-building projects because we can design any type of building, we have a cohesive and customizable design, and we have the best construction crew around.

While every project is unique, Romtec has experience designing for nearly any circumstance, and can apply that knowledge to multi-building projects. Romtec has supplied nearly every type of park and recreation structure possible, including restrooms and pavilions, storm shelters, community buildings, and large multi-purpose structures designed to suit our customers’ needs. We offer standard floor plans, or our experts can provide custom structures with any custom design or specification at no extra cost for design. On multiple building projects, our range and ability to customize structures means that our customers can get everything they need in one place, regardless of building type.
In addition to the ability to provide a variety of recreation building types, Romtec also offers a wide variety of building materials to customize our structures and create an aesthetic and cohesive design that can be important to reception of the area. For instance, Romtec often supplies structures such as restrooms in campgrounds, national forests, and along coastlines that people value for their beauty. In these areas, it’s often important to our customers and guests that the natural beauty of the area is preserved and not interrupted with an out-of-place structure. Romtec has also designed buildings for sports parks and splash pads, which can be bright and vibrant areas located within busy cities. Regardless of the location type, it’s important that a recreation structure matches the feel of an area and with Romtec’s customization options our customers can be sure to get structures that fit aesthetically with their project.

As a part of our cohesive design capabilities, Romtec can match existing park structures or designs and carry the desired look throughout all structures on a project. Matching designs can provide a theme to a recreation area or uphold an iconic style that has been in place for many years and make it easier for guests to identify public structures such as restrooms, concessions, and showers. This can be a major advantage on a park project that has existing structures or a theme that needs to be upheld, as Romtec can easily supply buildings that continue the theme and blend in seamlessly to the area.
Romtec has spent years expanding our capabilities to continue to strengthen our company and function as a one-stop shop for our customers. For customers looking to get the greatest benefits out of their multiple building project, Romtec can also offer the services of our expert construction crew in “turnkey”/design-build projects.

Our construction crews aren’t subcontractors that are hired by Romtec to construct our structures, but rather Romtec’s own crew that travels to each jobsite to install our building packages. Our crew travels nationwide and works year-round to get the job done. They have built more Romtec structures than anyone else in the country, including our largest multi-purpose park structures and industrial control buildings that house expensive equipment and controls. Having installed so many of our structures, our team is incredibly efficient and fast, and can be a major benefit to any project. With their familiarity with all types of our building packages, it is no problem for Romtec construction to build multiple buildings at once.
Our range, design capabilities, and construction crews make Romtec the perfect fit for multi-building projects. Our customers can save both time and money by getting everything in one place and signing fewer contracts on their park projects. They can also get greater peace of mind about their project by utilizing Romtec’s expert construction crews to ensure that installation of all of their building packages will be done quickly, efficiently, and successfully. Romtec has completed a number of multi-building projects in the past, and we are looking forward to completing many more.
For your multi-building project, contact a Romtec Sales expert today.