Livermore Area Recreation & Park District (LARPD)
Government Organization · 1,840 Likes – August 22, 2013
LARPD staff and Romtec Inc. construction crew pose in front of the new Sycamore Grove Park restrooms on Thursday morning.
The Arroyo Road entrance to and all trails are now open to the public. The new restrooms at the Arroyo Road entrance are now open for “business.” The Wetmore Road restrooms are not yet open but will be soon (most likely Friday morning!). The equestrian lot remains closed until further notice as construction equipment and supplies still need to be removed.
This post is from the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District (LARPD) Facebook page. The LARPD hosted a “First Flush” ceremony to celebrate the completion of these two new restroom buildings for the Sycamore Grove Park project. Romtec provided one plumbed facility and one waterless facility to meet the needs of the park and Livermore Area Recreation Park District. Both buildings share the same exterior appearance with a rugged stone wainscot and natural cedar board and batten siding. These facilities will replace the existing and aged restrooms that were previously at the park. Please check out the LARPD Facebook page to see more regarding the Sycamore Grove Park and other projects and outdoor activities in the area. Click on the photo above and see all the great comments people have had about the new restrooms!