Romtec designed and supplied the conventional restroom at the new Sugar Beet Park in Fort Collins, Colorado. This is a unique 5.3 acre park that was developed in the same location where the Great Western Sugar Factory stood before being demolished in the 1960’s. The park is named after sugar beets, the cash crop which heavily influenced the development of Fort Collins. The centerpiece of the park’s play area is a massive wooden sugar beet structure with climbing nets, monkey bars, and slide. A steel pavilion covers several picnic tables overlooking the play area and an open-style turf athletic field. The restroom building Romtec supplied is a compact double unit designed for ADA accessibility. The building has a distinct visual design with a single slope roof structure, corrugated metal siding over wooden frames, and a brick veneer exterior to complete the appearance. The drinking fountain on the front of the restroom also includes a water bottle filling station for visitors convenience. Sugar Beet Park is a great example of a high-quality neighborhood park with interactive elements unique to the history of the City of Fort Collins.