Pair of Remote Waterless Restrooms in National Forest

Custom Waterless Restroom – Windy Point, AZ

jweddell Leave a Comment

Vault Restroom with Natural Stone Exterior

The Project

The Coronado National Forest in Arizona needed a restroom building as well as storage space for their recreation area at Windy Point. The project required a state-of-the-art waterless vault, as it was impossible to get water, sewer, or electrical services to the remote location. The Coronado National Forest, however, wanted a one-of-a kind, custom designed building that was in keeping with the natural surroundings, and would be beautiful and inviting to the visitors as well. The Coronado National Forest also needed some storage space for park maintenance equipment and supplies. In keeping with the movement within our federal agencies to “go green” whenever possible, and the requirements of this particular recreation area, solar lighting was requested as well.

The Solution

Romtec jumped at the chance of designing a unique waterless restroom that would blend into the natural environment, enhancing the beauty of the area instead of detracting from it. They could give the Coronado National Forest in Arizona a uniquely designed restroom, with architectural originality, entirely suited to the needs of their site. The Coronado National Forest was giving Romtec a chance to show that a waterless restroom could also be a statement in design, sustainability, and environmental friendliness. Romtec designed the two double waterless restrooms, specifically for this stunning backdrop. Romtec provided two separate double waterless restroom buildings, each with a small storage area. The exterior was covered in a native stone from a local quarry and was matched up to a rock wall surrounding and elevating the restroom site. The stones also blended in with the large natural stones from the site that were used in the landscaping of the courtyard area between the two buildings. The privacy walls were opened in the center, giving a unique appearance but without taking away from their function. This exceptional site and the custom designed restroom structures are able to be eye catching from certain angles, and yet almost disappear into the background from others. The buildings surpassed everyone’s expectations.

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