Door with Durable Stainless Steel Locking Mechanism with Protection

Door Lock Options for Restrooms and other Public Access Buildings

jweddell 2 Comments

Door with Durable Stainless Steel Locking Mechanism with Protection

Romtec designs, manufactures, delivers, and constructs many types of buildings for public applications, and locking mechanisms carry strong preferences among many public agencies. Parks & Rec departments, city maintenance, utility districts, and others can all view door locks differently, and locking mechanisms for door locks can range from simple to technological. During a building design process, the door lock may seem like a small consideration, but as your project progresses, it is important to consider the people using the building and their preferences. There are too many types of locks to go into, but door locks can be described in different categories.

Standard Mechanical Locks

The first type of locks are the basic types that everyone has likely seen. These locks are simple mechanical locks that are typically operated with a key or throw. They can be included on a door handle or as a separate lock. This is helpful for restrooms where an occupant will have a lock for use and personnel can lock the room separately to close the facility. These locks are affordable, easy to maintain/replace, and straightforward to use, making simple locks the best choice for most locations. The problem with basic locks is that they rely on personnel being onsite to operate the locks. For some parks that are remote or that have an irregular maintenance schedule, basic locking mechanisms might not be preferable.

Basic Pull Handle Door with Deadbolt Lock

Powered Door Locks

The next type of locks fall into a category that would best be described as powered door locks. Powered locks can also include features like keypads and push buttons that can be operated by personnel who do not have keys. However, these types of locking mechanisms will typically also function with a key as a needed. These locks have the added benefit of utilizing external controls that can also be automated. Most parks and other public facilities operate on fairly set schedules, making timed locks advantageous. Lock timers are also a fairly simple and reliable device. Romtec has even completed projects with locks set to respond daylight.

Digitally Controlled Locks

The final types of locks are those that are controlled digitally. These lock options tend to have the highest cost, but they also have the highest level of customization to fit very specific needs. Digitally controlled locking devices can function with card readers, ID badges, fingerprints, and even phone apps. The biggest advantage with these locks is the ability to unlock facilities remotely, like from an office or another park. They are also easily integrated with robust magnetic locks that some facilities find preferable. The big disadvantage with these types of locks, especially magnetic, is that they must be powered to function.

Steel Door Handle with Internal Locking Mechanism

When it comes to locking mechanisms for your building, there are many different types available. Within these broad categories, there are many different lock options for how each lock will function for your building. It is important to think about how your personnel will use the lock and to find a device with the cost and functionality that will meet your needs. Romtec has helped all types of clients get the locks they want on their buildings. Contact Romtec today to learn more about our products and how you can get the best public facilities available.

Comments 2

  1. We have Romtec bathroom doors and we want to put them on a Timer to lock and unlock at two specific times per day.
    What do you have for Systems, Door latches and Timers.

    Can you send me specifications.

    This is our door type.

    1. Bradford,

      Thank you for contacting Romtec! A representative will be in touch with you soon.



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