Romtec designs, supplies, and constructs buildings and structures for all types of outdoor recreational spaces, including parks, campgrounds, and sports facilities. All of these spaces encourage visitors to get outdoors and stay physically active. One recent study in Oregon claimed that outdoor recreation can help to prevent many different chronic illnesses. Local parks and recreation departments play an important role in providing parks and other outdoor recreational spaces for their communities and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.

The Cost of Illness
Staying physically active is one of the healthiest choices that we can make. People are more at risk of leading sedentary lifestyles now more than ever. Regular exercise can have significant health benefits and reduce many different physical and mental health conditions. One recent study performed by the College of Forestry at the Oregon State University estimated that adults who were physically active through outdoor recreation saved nearly $1.4 billion in “Cost of Illness” associated with eight chronic illnesses in the state of Oregon. The study also claimed that communities with more access to outdoor recreation had lower healthcare costs.
Providing Accessible Facilities for a Healthy Community
Local parks and recreation departments can help to promote public health by providing accessible and well maintained facilities in their communities. The aforementioned study analyzed data from 30 popular outdoor recreation activities. The top three activities that adults engage in included walking local trails and paths, visiting dog parks and off leash areas, and walking along local streets. Providing an environment where community members can perform these activities and others can lead to more engagement and health benefits. Mental and physical health are often goals for community development, and city parks and other facilities are desirable locations to engage in physical activity or exercise that benefit health.

San Diego Active Sports Park
One new park in California where Romtec supplied several buildings and structures is a great example of a physically engaging park. The County of San Diego Active Sports Park was developed alongside Horse Creek Ridge, a new residential area, in order to provide the new community with close access to multiple outdoor activities. Like the name suggests, this park focuses on physical activity and includes multiple features to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. There are four workout stations along the walking trail that surrounds the park, as well as baseball and soccer fields. These features and their close proximity to residents will go a long way to encouraging physical activity in the neighborhood.

Promote Healthy and Active Lifestyles with Romtec’s Support
Parks and other outdoor recreational facilities offer significant health benefits to their communities. The study completed by the College of Forestry at OSU estimated substantial public savings by reducing the “Cost of Illness” for adults who engaged in physical activity. Local parks and recreation departments, municipalities, and other authorities have a correlative effect toward promoting healthy and active lifestyles by providing environments that are accessible to the community. Romtec can be a great benefit on any of these projects and will design, supply, and construct any buildings or structures you need! Contact Romtec and get started on your project today.
*Information Found on Health Benefits Estimates for Oregonians from Their Outdoor Recreation Participation in Oregon – College of Forestry at Oregon State University