Five Room Shower Restroom Building

Structures for Campgrounds

jweddell Leave a Comment

Romtec designs and manufactures many different types of buildings and structures, and many of our products are perfect for campgrounds. Frequently, we work on projects to provide a single building, like a restroom or a pavilion, but Romtec can design, deliver, and install all the buildings and structures that campground owners and operators need for new or renovated campgrounds. Romtec offers several benefits that help campground owners get the facilities they need specific to camping conditions.

Five Room Shower Restroom Building

Site-Built Construction for Campground Buildings

One of the biggest advantages that Romtec provides for campground owners is site-built construction. With campgrounds, the condition of the environment is what makes camping enjoyable, so it is beneficial to preserve the environment as much as possible. The installation of Romtec buildings doesn’t require heavy equipment or lifting cranes. In most cases, even the largest buildings we offer can be installed onsite with minimal site interference. This means that trees do not need to be cut down, and installation does not require roads nearby the building site.

Inexpensive Sidewalk Options

Waterless Restrooms for Rural Settings

Many campgrounds are in rural areas where there is limited or no infrastructure. Not only does this affect the installation of new buildings, but it also affects the types of buildings that can be installed. Romtec offers waterless restroom buildings for campgrounds without plumbing, and Romtec also can supply buildings with solar options for campgrounds without electricity. For cabins, restrooms, gatehouses, kiosks, and more, Romtec has the design and component options to provide campgrounds with the buildings and structures they need.

Remote Cedar Vault Toilet

Common Products for Campgrounds

Romtec is also a great partner for campground facilities and their owners/managers because of our large product offering. Campground restrooms, campground cabins, and shower buildings are all common products for campgrounds; however, many campgrounds also require other facilities such as gatehouses, pavilions, kiosks, lodges, and utility buildings. Romtec can provide all of the buildings and structures needed for any campground project.

Prefabricated Log Cabin on Concrete Slab

These are just a few of the benefits that Romtec can provide to campgrounds facilities. Other benefits include turnkey construction, government contracts, and environmentally-friendly products. Contact Romtec today to learn more about our products and how they can fit at your campground, RV Park, or recreational site.

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