Shade Shelter with Steel Posts at Community Park

Hemme Station Park in Alamo, California

jweddell Leave a Comment

The Project

The development of Hemme Station Park in Alamo, California required the addition of a thematically appropriate pavilion. Hemme Station Park is a new park along the Iron Horse Regional Trail, an expansive trail spanning over 27 miles on a decommissioned railroad line. Hemme Station Park was named after the Union Pacific Railroad Station that operated near that location during the 1800’s. After reaching out to the community for input on park features, Contra Costa County worked with Stantec Architecture, the County’s landscape architect consultant to develop a park design. It was important to the County to implement a historically accurate park theme with design elements to reflect a train station. The pavilion is the largest structure and located in the center of the park, and it needed to reflect the proposed train station inspired theme.

The Solution

Romtec provided the design and supply of the train station themed pavilion at Hemme Station Park. In order to match the required aesthetic, the pavilion’s gable ends include small windows, accenting pieces of trim, and scalloped siding to create a textured appearance. Support columns are tapered to create a sloping appearance with each corner using double columns. Roof trusses are concealed above a finished ceiling that was constructed with tongue & groove decking. Using design elements from Victorian Architecture, Romtec was able to provide Contra Costa County with a train station themed pavilion for Hemme Station Park. This project is a great example of using a location’s rich history to develop a new park that will serve the community for years to come!

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