Romtec designs, supplies, and constructs control buildings for a lot of applications, from industrial to public. Control buildings are diverse in terms of how they need to be designed to meet all types of requirements from code to aesthetics and functionality. The Gossamer Grove residential development project in Shafter California needed a control building to house electrical controls for a new wastewater lift station. This project included many requirements from several agencies, and Romtec even worked with our sister company, Romtec Utilities, that supplied the lift station.
The City of Shafter is a long-time customer of Romtec Utilities. This growing city purchased several new sewer lift stations over the years for its expanding residential developments. Romtec Utilities has been a valuable partner for the City to establish and maintain its lift station design standards; however, Shafter had not previously ever needed a control building for its lift stations. The size of the Gossamer Grove development required a very large lift station and a building to handle its complete control systems. Being the first control building, the City chose to establish a standard working with Romtec.

In order to establish a standard, Romtec had to manage the needs of three organizations. First, Romtec Utilities specified the complete system controls and the necessary operation and code requirements. Second, the City specified functionality requirements. This particular control building includes an exterior sink, exterior lighting, double man doors, interior and exterior electrical outlets, and additional functionality features. Finally, Romtec worked with the developer, Lennar Communities, to achieve the correct aesthetics. For this specific control building, Lennar wanted the concrete block to match the block layout of concrete privacy fences that would surround the community.
Romtec worked to understand the needs of each party and then proposed a building design and configuration that would satisfy each organization. Working with Romtec Utilities simplified one aspect of this process, but Romtec frequently works with other third party organizations through this same process. However, the prevalence of Romtec Utilities lift stations means that we work together frequently throughout the construction year, which provides our customers with a significant advantage on control building projects like this one.

In the end, the City of Shafter got the control building it needed in terms of accessibility and functionality. Lennar Communities was also able to supply a control building that matched its desired aesthetics and fit in with its new development. Romtec works with customers and third party organizations to meet all types of project goals and design requirements. If you are interested in learning more about this project or about Romtec Control buildings, contact us today!